Sedation Dentistry – Custer, SD
Feel Comfortable Visiting the Dentist

Dental anxiety, nervousness, and fear are common reasons why countless adults either skip their dental treatments and routine appointments or avoid them at all cost. Unfortunately, this can lead to declining oral and physical health due to untreated issues that cause discomfort and additional conditions to develop. At Custer Dental Studio, we’re proud to offer conscious oral sedation and nitrous oxide to help you feel more comfortable and at-ease when you visit our office for dental procedures.
Why Choose Custer Dental Studio for Sedation Dentistry?
Fast-Acting Nitrous
Oxide Sedation -
Nitrous Oxide (Laughing Gas)
for Children -
Conscious Oral
Sedation Available
Oral Conscious Sedation

Oral conscious sedation is a great option for patients who require longer, more invasive treatments or have moderate to severe dental anxiety or fear. Before your appointment, we’ll prescribe a pill for you to take that will help you feel calm and relaxed by the time you reach our office. After your treatment is complete, it will take awhile for the effects to wear off. That’s why you should be prepared to have a trusted friend or family member drive you to and from your appointment and wait for you during your procedure.
Nitrous Oxide Sedation

Nitrous oxide, also known as laughing gas, is a fast-acting form of sedation that we can administer in-office. Once you get settled in the treatment chair, we’ll place a small mask over your nose so you can breathe in the colorless, odorless gas. Within one to two minutes, you’ll feel a calming wave of euphoria wash over you. Once your treatment is complete, we’ll remove the mask and you’ll quickly feel back to your normal self. Nitrous Oxide is also a great option for children who need dental treatment. A driver is not required to have nitrous oxide at the dental office.